
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The iTouch

I couldn't find my camera the other day, which is kind of a big deal now that I'm doing this little ol' blog.  I have to be able to take pictures of really random things...and the little ladies!

I was looking everywhere for it and eventually found it in Aaron's sock drawer.

Which is where I put it in the first place.

That's weird, I know, but it made sense at the time.

Anyway, as I was searching high and low, I found this little guy!

I thought that maybe I had put the camera on the back of the futon and then it slipped between the back and the mattress thing-y.

It didn't, but apparently the iTouch did...several months ago.

It really slid down there and was where the the mattress/cushion thing-er bends!

I couldn't believe it!

The girls were SO excited...because I have more games on mine than Aaron does :)

I couldn't remember exactly when I lost it, and it was obviously dead at this point and needed a little TLC.

Once it was revived, I checked my email inbox to see the last email I had received.

Yes, it had been lost for around 7 and 1/2 months!

I remember when I lost it, I wanted to tear the house apart to find it but thought it would just show up.  I decided to chill out because I was sure I would just stumble upon it in a day or so. 

Obviously I've been totally fine without it, but I would hate to lose something expensive!

Whenever I find something that was lost, I can't help but think about Jesus' parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin in Luke.

I love that God loves us so much that He sent Jesus for us.  

To search for us.

To find us.

To rescue us.

To save us.

I'm so grateful that He didn't give up His role as Redeemer and abandon mankind.

Because He could have.

But He knew the will of the Father was for Him to die in our place, and He submitted to that.

I'm grateful that Jesus has a lot more perseverance than I do, and that He doesn't give up in His pursuit of us.

Have a beautiful day today...walking in that Truth (even if you're walking through snow with it)!

Have a fun snow day, local friends!

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